Sat Oct 12 10:45 CDT
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US Temperature Contour Contour plot of temperatures (F) for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information North American Temperature Contour Contour plot of temperatures (F) for North America. Go forward More Information 24 hour Temperature Change Contour plot of the temperature change from current hour to the same hour the previous day for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information US Wind Chill Contour Contour plot of wind chill temperatures (F) for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information US Heat Index Contour Contour plot of heat index (F) for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information US Pressure Contour Contour plot of sea level pressure index (mb) for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information 3 hour Pressure Change Contour plot of the change in pressure from the current hour to 3 hours previous for the contiguous US. This is a good indicator of low pressure movement. Go forward More Information US Dewpoint Contour Contour plot of the dewpoint temperature (F) for the contiguous US. The dewpoint temperature indicates the amount of moisture (or humidity) in the atmosphere. Go forward More Information US Wind Speed Contour Contour plot of the wind speed (knt) for the contiguous US. Go forward More Information US Wind Streamlines This plot shows wind streamlines over the contiguous US. The streamlines show the direction of the wind and are color coded for the wind speed. Go forward More Information US Moisture Convergence Contour Contour plot of the moisture convergence for the contiguous US. This is a good indicator of where upward motion will be initiated. Go forward More Information Latest image
Current surface map

Surface data is reported hourly from places like airports and automated observing platforms. The types of plots using surface data include a composite surface map, weather depiction for aviation, regional plots for the US, Canada, Mexico and Alaska. Contoured analyses of various parameters including temperature and pressure. Finally, there are meteograms which are time cross-sections for individual cities. These data are updated hourly at around 30 minutes past the hour.

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